About Nicaragua

Nicaragua, about the size of Iowa, is the largest republic in Central America. It is called the "land of lakes and volcanoes." The eleven volcanoes and large lakes provide an abundance of natural beauty. Managua is the country’s capital, with a population of over one million. Nicaragua experienced almost continuous civil war between 1970 and 1990, dividing politicians, families, and churches. The peace which came with the 1990 elections has been, and remains, fragile. Nicaragua is the second poorest country in all of Latin America. Forty-four percent of all Nicaraguans live on a dollar or less per day. The Nicaraguan people are warm and caring despite the fact that they have suffered much in recent years. God’s people continue to proclaim the Good News in Nicaragua and each week there are signs of hope, reconstruction and reconciliation. There is openness to the Gospel message making it an exciting time to be in Nicaragua.