Thursday, March 27, 2008

Our week in pictures

March 27, 2008
Dear Family & Friends,

Our week has been a busy and encouraging one. I thought instead of writing a lot about it, I would give you “a week in pictures”.

We are encouraged every week by people who are letting us know that they are praying for us. It is such an incredible comfort to know this and to see God at work. This picture was taken at Prairie Woods and reminds me of what prayer can look like. Thank you to all of you who are coming before Christ on our family’s behalf. You are appreciated very much!

This week we were in need of child care during the small group dinner we had at our house on Tuesday night. Our friend, Michelle, stepped in to take Rebekah to soccer practice, fed the kids supper, and brought them back to our house at bedtime. Those who are serving our family by taking care of and loving our kids are also a key part of our team very much appreciated!

This is a picture of those who attended our small group dinner on Tuesday night. On Tuesday afternoon I realized just how much I appreciated this group as I was putting a lasagna dinner together, trying to tie up loose ends with our presentation, getting kids organized to leave, picking up the house, and getting myself ready. These couples have committed to hosting a dinner in their homes for couples who are interested in hearing more about our call to Nicaragua. This helps our family so much as we can present to several couples at a time and makes the support raising process much easier on our family.

Many of you have asked about whether we have heard from CRC World Missions about an official appointment. Well, today Dan emailed them and received a prompt reply back stating that they are waiting on one more reference letter to get to them and that upon receiving this, the process will be close to completion. They also stated that everything is looking good so far and were very reassuring. Thank you all for your prayers in regard to this. A friend from church who has been on the mission field said to me this week, “Lisa, as Americans we want things to happen yesterday. This process of waiting is very good preparation for the mission field when things very seldom happen when or as we want them to.”

We hope all of you had a great week. Please do let us know how we can pray for you. We desire the privilege of coming before Jesus on your behalf as well!