Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Nica Update: June 2012

Nica Update:  June 2012

Dear Family and Friends,

I hope this finds all of you well.

We have struggled a Little these past few months with staying  well.  I personally have struggled a great deal with my health for the past several months.  I was in bed for a couple of weeks in March with back pain and a virus.  And most recentlly, have struggled with another virus which has lasted another two weeks and involved a high fever, chills, and many flu-like symptoms.  Several other missionaries have been dealing with this too and I know that it does just take time to get an appetite and energy back.  Dan and the kids have been doing better – dealing with some ear infections, etc.

So, I apologize for our infrequent communication these past months.  Getting back and staying in a routine has been difficult with these interruptions of illness.

We will be leaving this Thursday for the United States and will be there through July 24.  We will be seeing New Covenant Bible Church and Peace Church in Cedar Rapids as well as Willard Christian Reformed Church in Celeryville, Ohio.  We will not be making a trip to MI this summer, so we will miss those whom we usually see there.  One of our primary goals this summer is to rest and to heal.  So, our hope is that our schedule allows for time to do both.

A couple things that you can pray for us include:

1)       Healing.  Please pray for  physical, mental, and emotional healing.  It has been quite discouraging for me to deal with these illnesses and I've felt overwhelmed with trying to catch up and stay on top of things.

2)      Safe travel.  Please pray that while we are in the air and on the road that God would protect us.

Thank you once again for walking with us and for praying so faithfully for us.  We are so thankful for you.

Peace and love to you,

Lisa (Dan, Rebekah, and Will) Van Zoest