Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Nica Update: August Pictures


One exciting event that happened this month was that Rebekah and I spent a night at a hotel on the ocean.  We had won a free night's stay and decided to use it as our "Passport to Purity" weekend getaway.  "Passport to Purity" is a CD series by Dennis and Barbara (FamilyLife) that teaches preteens about the changes that they and their friends will soon be going through physically, emotionally, and socially.  It also addresses the area of sex and how this is something God has given to us as a gift to be enjoyed in the context of marriage.


We took a long walk on the beach and had a great talk as we enjoyed the ocean, the sand, and the sunset.


On these huge rocks were hundreds of black crabs.  They were fascinating to watch.



God’s amazing artwork.



More beauty.



And more.



And more.



Rebekah makes us coffee in the morning.



Rebekah has been horse crazy since she was 5.  And so a ride on the beach was quite a treat for her.  It is a long story, but we needed to wait an hour and a half for this ride.  Later, Rebekah said, "Mom it was totally worth the wait!"



Rebekah led me and the guide as she got her horse to run on several occasions.  I do not have pictures of this as my horse would always take off after hers giving me a ride that I really did not ask for.



Our guide then led us through a wooded area which was also beautiful.  The amazing thing about this ride too is that it started to rain a half hour before we started the ride.  Rebekah and I prayed for sun, asking God for the rain to hold off for the ride.  And just before we got on the horses, the sky cleared up and it did not rain until we were walking to our car to leave. 



We needed to pay attention on the ride through the trees as we needed to bend down to avoid branches and lead our horses around mud holes.



Here is Rebekah with our guide.  He is a very kind and gentle man - and very much a cowboy.



Rebekah really enjoyed the great swimming pool there too. 



Dan and Will dropped us off on Friday afternoon and then picked us up on Saturday afternoon.  We had a safe ride there and back and the rain held off for most of the time which was what we were praying for.